A first meeting
31 May 2009: The NetBeans™ platform is a software framework particularly well suited for Java™ desktop development. Moreover, the platform also is a full stand-alone application with a rich set of features. Read more…
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This is the home of articles related to NetBeans™. Articles are available for the following categories:
31 May 2009: The NetBeans™ platform is a software framework particularly well suited for Java™ desktop development. Moreover, the platform also is a full stand-alone application with a rich set of features. Read more…
01 Jun 2009: Talking about the NetBeans™ platform requires a basic set of terms which are introduced here: module, plug-in, cluster, launcher, NetBeans™ runtime container, module system and class loading. In the course of the discussion the fundamental concepts of the NetBeans™ platform emerge, too. Read more…
31 May 2009: This article investigates the directory layout of the NetBeans™ platform. We introduce the locations of modules and their related configuration files, the launchers and the place where module update tracking data are stored. Read more…
01 Jun 2009: This article is a quick platform guide, as it provides a tabular overview of all platform modules corresponding to the NetBeans™ platform as of IDE version 6.0. You will also find statistics of inter-module dependencies of the platform. Read more…
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